Bouncing Back With Something New

OK, So things have been a bit...... undocumented for a while. But that doesn't mean the Hyper Thetical cogs have not been turning. ( Do not confuse with hypothetical cogs, they never work )

We have put a few games on hold but brought back to life an idea I (Chris) came up with during Uni but never properly developed. ComboNation, it's an original grid based puzzler that will get your brain thinking and keep your thumbs moving. ( I promise it's not another match 3 clone )
In fact if we ever bring out a clone of anything, email Ben and tell him there is something wrong with me.

This is the first mobile game we have worked on but using Unreal Engine and integrating with Google has been a lot easier than we were anticipating so it has come a long way in a fairly short time. We are currently in Beta testing with a bunch of people with achievements and global scores.

We are aiming initially for an Android release, but we will look into an IOS release in the future.

The game is essentially complete so we are now looking at improving visuals and a couple of other little things.

Unfortunately neither one of us is much of an artist, so this is taking a little longer than hoped as we also consider getting some outside help to touch it all up.

So CentraSphere, is back in development, we have a couple of new ideas for game modes which we are looking forward to testing.

VR is officially out now. Good times.