SouthWest VR 2015!

Hey everyone,

This week has been one of the biggest weeks yet for us at HTG. We finally saw months of hard work and preparation pay off, reminding us just why we started a games company!

SouthWest VR 2015

Three months ago we where lucky enough to be invited to demo a game at SWVR in Bristol, when we got the invitation we thought yeah why not? It'll be easy!

Boy were we wrong.. We've had many late night programming sessions, stressed so much to why something isn't working and loads of questioning to whether or not we will be able to get a demo out in time. We had one final late night of fine tuning then managed to set up in the hour before delegates walked through the door!



But yesterday we got to show off the result, CentraSphere! A two player competitive racing game set inside a sphere specifically designed for VR and the Rift. One thing we noticed when people used the rift was that they wouldn't really look around and use the rift to its full potential. We set out to change that. Setting the game inside a sphere would force the players to look around to find the checkpoints they are also able to aim by sight and fire at the competition across the arena.




So what was the response of this unknown game from this small company no one had ever heard of? Actually amazing! People loved it, all day we had player after player coming to try our game each and everyone giving us positive feedback. We spoke about future plans for the company and people loved our ideas! Made a few contacts and hopefully got our name out there which is the best we could have hoped for!


Along side us where amazing games such as Radial-G, Salvaged, VR Karts, Crystal Rift and Pixel Rift. New amazing technology from Ultrahaptics and Wizdish. The conference was packed with talks from the likes of Sony, Bossa, Oculus, Fire Panda and many more. All in all it was an amazing day and we were very lucky to be a part of it. 

Just like to add a massive thank you to Dan Page at SWVR, Opposable Games and @Bristol for the opportunity.


So What's Next?


Firstly a rest, we are currently exhausted. We've been working flat out the past few weeks with our regular full time jobs and HTG in the evening. Its definitely needed. 




After that?

Lets start with the future of CentraSphere. CentraSphere was a demo made with SouthWestVR in mind and a full release with added features at a later date. We've decided to put the full release on hold for now while we work on other projects. Due to the positive response we got from the demo at SouthWestVR we are considering releasing an edited version of the demo with a single player and multiplayer LAN mode.


Other projects?

We are not currently ready to talk too much about that. Some of the team are currently working on personal projects and we are kicking around ideas for another group VR project. 

We are hoping to release updates on a weekly basis including concept art and other goodies so make sure to keep checking back.

Until next time,

HTG Team